- Links 2-28-12: Gmail glitch, Productivity apps and an eBook user’s bill of rights – http://aramzs.me/2o #
- Learn more about the components of a brand and build one yourself – http://aramzs.me/2n #
- Daily wrap-up: Facebook wants to give away all your information, Gmail glitch and more interesting stories from the day. http://aramzs.me/2o #
- Build yourself a brand – http://aramzs.me/2n #
- iPad gets approval from FAA to replace paper flight charts and maps http://pulsene.ws/13L6w #
- Online ads that don’t suck http://pulsene.ws/13DKT #
- Mobile journalism: Section 44 is dead – long live Section 43 http://pulsene.ws/13J1A #
- Student Journalist’s Resume Goes Viral, Changes the World http://pulsene.ws/13H4F #
- QR codes and college media http://pulsene.ws/13KN1 #
- Hugo Chavez Won't Sell Out His 'Friend' Qaddafi [Dictators] http://pulsene.ws/13J0h #
- Thinking Laterally: Build a Side-scrolling Site Layout with CSS & jQuery http://otf.me/Hon #
- The Economics of Meat – What gaming can teach you about hyper-inflation http://otf.me/HpF #
- Has anyone noticed that The Escapist videos just keep getting smarter and smarter? The Big Picture and Extra Credits are good. #
- Ugh, if you are going to try to spam my blog, at least put a real name in the name field. Come on, you have at least TRY… #
- @nitesh_arora I wish. I suspect they just cast a wide net 😛 #
- I'm not sure who games like Rift are trying to appeal to with the whole "We are not WoW" bit. People who don't play MMORPGs? Is that viable? #
- American Stock Exchange HQ sold for $65 million – http://otf.me/Hqm #
- RT @wonkette Serially Unemployed Meghan McCain Tries To Have Opinion On Wisconsin Workers http://bit.ly/ej1vta #
- eBooks' greatest obstacle is that they function like books: http://t.co/CRi5zcD #
- Books may flip pages, but digital devices don't have to – http://aramzs.me/2p #
- The Infographic that Spoofs Infographics http://ff.im/-zbFuO #
- Trillian gets there first, brings Continuous Client features to latest build http://ff.im/-zbFIs #
- Google gifts Xoom tablets to game devs at GDC 2011 http://ff.im/-zbFPB #
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